Friday, November 12, 2004

The Real World

I took a few days off to attend Knitters Review Retreat in Syria, Va. It was for a me a time to reflect and make decisions about my life/career/home.

Since so many other bloggers have written about the Retreat, I'll just add a few "important to me" remarks:

Three years ago at the first Retreat, I purchased a spindle and was set up for me to be a bottom whorl spindle..I just didn't get it. There was no spinning to be had. BUT I wanted to learn. So seeing Bess at the wheel of spindles I asked advice and walked away with a beautiful small, top whorl spindle and a "how to" book. As the sun was setting I sat down on the porch with Bess and in minutes I was spinning. I felt the the pinch between my fingers when the fibers twisted to begin their journey to become yarn. A little "twing" that said "I'm done". I understood the spindle and it does sing to me. When I got home Sunday night I pulled out the first's a top whorl! and it sings too.

Dyeing with Jen on Friday morning produced a bright red and yellow skein of wool. It hasn't told me what it wants to be yet.

Annie's chart reading class was fun. She sprinkled her lesson with remarks that hit home for me. Thanks Annie.

And D, thanks for being my roommate and listening to me rattle on about stuff.

It was a good weekend that I was able to stretch out for a few days longer. Thanks ladies.


Kimberly said...

Thanks, Linda, for sharing YOUR experience.

It sounds like you had a good time.

Hope you were able to reflect, relax, and rejuvenate.

Anonymous said...

Linda! I want to see the roving when it is spun up! You took to spinning as if it had been waiting for you, not vice versa. It was a wonderful weekend, thanks for being my roomie!