Saturday, October 24, 2009

End & Begin

Give your shawl a nice long soak in a woolwash of your choice. Not dish soap or woolite. Some use shampoo. I haven't so can't comment. And have lots of towels ready to gently press the water out of the shawl. And make sure to have your favorite coffee maker in the picture along with your favorite coffee cup.

JA 1

Lay out your shawl to block making sure there are enough towels on your carpet or floor. I didn't use my blocking wires for this shawl. The points stay in place without them. I did weave in my ends before blocking but I didn't cut the ends until after blocking. Why? Stretching the finished item will also move the woven in ends and they may pop out or worse, come loose. And if you cut them to short you may be in trouble.

JA 2

Let it dry and then take it outside for a photo op!

JA 3

Then begin a new project