Tuesday, August 03, 2004

This 'n that

Name the era, and you can name every artist from
it. You've got an eye for design and a knack
for feng shui. Color schemes, architecture, and
objt d'art - these are all your forts.
What people love: You're the perfect person to shop
What people hate: They have to clean their house
whenever you come over.

What Kind of Elitist Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Found this over at Catherine's . I have to agree with her comments. My house is the same. Dust and dog hair and yarn and magazines and a dining room table that can become piled high. BUT what I think is messy, my friends/family think is "too neat and tidy". So yeah, they always make excuses about their homes and you know what, I don't see it. So, eh! A home is to LIVE IN not LOOK AT.

But the dining room table was cleaned off this Sunday while the OatCouture Auntie's afghan blocked. I used Lorna's Laces Sport Weight in Neutral. Generic color and washable. Nice for babies. I threw it in the washer when the bed sheets were on their last rinse and let it spin a few moments. It blocked beautifully.

I began a little bag with Crystal Palace Trio. It's a free pattern. It'll be a sample for Ewe Knits so I'm following the pattern as written and getting guage...but if I were making it for myself I'd go down a needle size or two to make a thicker fabric.

And the Trendsetters Spiral "To Fringe or Not to Fringe" shawl is coming along. I'm beginning the decrease side.