Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Come out come out where ever you are

I can't find my jar of peanut butter. I had it Monday morning. I used it to make peanut butter and wheat bread toast. It was only the second time I used it. I remember seeing the still smooth surface. I reached for it on Tuesday morning and it wasn't there. Just an empty space where the jar has sat for the past 11 years and almost 2 months. Not the same jar, but the same brand...JIF smooth. I looked in the fridge, the glasses cabinet, the plate cabinet, the freezer, on all the shelves of the pantry, again in the cabinets, the trash where. Last night I walked around the house thinking maybe I carried it into the bedroom....nope. I even asked Bailey but he just gave me a look that said to please buy a new jar before it's heart worm preventive pill time because that's the only thing that will get him through the agony of swallowing the little bitty pill. If you see my jar of peanut butter, please let me know.

Lock-in at Spooling Around was fun. I was able to finish and pin together the FiberTrends "big red tote". Now to actually seam it.

And I've begun a rounded felting tote that has been floating around in my brain for a while.

Saturday I had the pleasure of helping a woman look at some yarn choices for a scarf. Her husband was with her and patiently sat at the table while she shopped. She told me she didn't see a hat pattern she liked and could I make some suggestions. So I asked her if she used the internet. She called her husband over and so I told him some buzz words to use to search. He was excited to be able to do that. He told me the scarf and hat were for their great-grand daughter who, at 28, had just received her PhD and was moving to Boston to teach. They left the store holding hands.

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