Tuesday, October 14, 2003


90% of the people I work with are on the west coast. I'm on the east. I had gotten spoiled having my mornings to work on documentation, read emails, and not really expect any calls before 11:00a.m. with Noon being the ususal. My new manager is an early bird. Gets to work no latter than 6:30 a.m. and since there is no one else at work yet she calls me .... several times. I'm losing my free work time.

We had a beautiful Sunday and Monday. Weather was perfect. Not much humidity and low 70's. The mosquito's are still bad though.

Bess talks about her parents aging. I'm right there with ya Bess. Trying to nudge others into a change in lifestyle doesn't work. I've learned that the hard way with my mother. For years I tried to get her active but she is content to sit in her home and throw a 30 year pity party. I had to accept that. And it's still hard.

Muhammad Trial is beginning here. Malvo next month.

Taught a felting class at Ewe Knit on Saturday. Each of the ladies had chosen the same Fiber Trends Party Purse pattern. After a 1/2 hour of redeciding on yarn colors, we got to work. Next week it's gussets and i-cord.

Purple Fish from Knitting Bags felted beautifully! I did something wrong with the twisted cord though. They're not long enough to meet. I'll add another length. I think a differnt color will work nicely. And my concern about having enough room in the opening to do the embrodiery comfortably came to fruition. It's gonna be tough to get into the small hole. I may do something with tiny buttons.

Began a simple scarf with the Mano's del Uruguay . It's lovely to work with. I want to fringe all 3 sides.

And I continued with the Purl Stitch Collard Shawl in Alpaca. 120 rows so far. I'm liking it much better now. It's very cuddly.

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