Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Will the person who took the last bag of Orville Redenbacher's Salt & Pepper popcorn from my kitchen cabinet please not leave the empty box giving me the impression there was more popcorn when there wasn't.

Thank you.


anji said...

geezh! That Hanny IS smart!

katiegirl said...

Oh man! Don't you hate when that happens?!!

Becky said...

LOL!! Thief!! I hope you catch the sneaky bugger!

Ed Winkle said...

Nothing worse than any empty box in the cupboard when the popcorn urge hits! I had the urge the other day on our trip to Amish country here in SW Ohio. I probably have eating enough popcorn in my life to fill a stadium! I have grown my own but keeping the rodents out is a task and microwave popcorn is so convenient. I miss the fresh popcorn at the basketball games 40 years ago. We couldn't pop it fast enough for the customers. Movie houses are that way, too.