Lia Hoogenhout's.
To answer Becky...I have 3 more Puppy Pre Placement Classes to complete. That will take me to the end of August. Then, as puppies are available and we are deemed compatable, one will be placed with me. Hopefully September.
After a puppy is placed, we'll have 6 months of weekly training classes. I must keep Monday nights free! Boohoo Guild and Monday night at B&N. Then it will be twice a month. Testing is also performed during the year.
If I'm remembering correctly there were 6 new puppie raisers and 5 experienced puppy raisers in class last night. Singles, 2 brothers, families, a teen (and his family) husband & wife.
One of the regional instructors, Debbie, will be bringing her puppy to my house in a few weeks for the day. After we make sure she's comfortable, she'll come back to spend a night or 2 with me. That's one way to make sure I can handle a 60 pound dog!
Pays for a guide dog's annual vaccinations $25
Helps pay for mobility training in urban areas $35
Helps provide home-cooked meals and housing for a blind student in training $50
Helps pay for a student and new guide dog's trip home $75
Buys a leather harness $100
Helps raise a puppy in our foster family program $250
Helps pay for special home training when needed $500
Aids our Veterinary Hospital with the purchase of sutures, oxygen and surgical drapes $1000
Sustains our Adaptive Technology Program which allows our blind students to learn new employment skills $5,000
Sponsors a Guide Dog Team $45,000