Thursday, September 04, 2003

How long has it been since I've updated my blog???

So, I seamed Obi, took a closer look and the seams are crooked..blah...I have to reseam. I like the way it fits. I made little ribbed cuffs instead of the sleeves the pattern called for. I have short arms.

Started and finished 2 Fiber Trends felted hats. One in Cascade 220 (hot pink w/black band) for Coco's birthday later this month. Ack, September already! That will be put in her birthday package along with a gift certificate for her favorite store and assorted stuff (green staples and mini Life Savers so far).

The other in Galway. One dark brown and one caramel color knit together. It's a store sample.

I also began and am almost finished My Constant Companion from Knitter Stash in Cascade 220. Stripes: black bottom and a few inches up the side, forest green, gold, white, black, rose, white, black. I threw a swatch into boiling water and the black colored the white a funky dirty gray that I can live with.

Work-work is really getting boring. I have no interest in what I'm doing. I'm taking a mental health day tomorrow. Going to the movies. Going to buy a big popcorn and get lost in "The Order". And if it's good I might watch it again. Heck even if it's bad it'll be worth it to see Heath on the big screen's been a year since Four Feathers ya know.

Working at Ewe Knit Kits and Yarn is still fun. Bobbie got in The Purl Stitch. the new Knitters and is expecting new (to us) colors of Cascade 220, and a ribbon yarn who's name I can't remember.

A new yarn store will be opening in Williamsburg, VA soon (rumor mid-Sept). Kingsmill area I think. Sisters. I'll keep you updated. Sounds like a road trip. Sure it's only an hour drive but with all of the road construction being done on I64 it could take days!

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