Monday, March 03, 2003

Why do I even think I can leave The Knitting Corner with just what I had walked in needing? And it's not like the ladies push anything on me, I do it by myself!

Saturday it was size 6 16" circulars or double points or the double points....also walked out with Jo Sharp West Cape Howe Collection...I'm new to Jo Sharp and her sweaters have pulled me in hard!

Peace Fleece Scarf: It's finished or should I say all of the skeins are on the what to do what to do?

Peace Fleece Beaded Braided Hat:...........(scroll down) the braid intrigued me. I had to see what it looked like (hence the need for size 6 needles because I couldn't get gauge with 5 or 7 or and I end up using a 24" circular, 16's would've been too short). So Saturday night I casted on and completed the braid (I had to pat myself on the back for following the directions so carefully that when I flipped it over Voila! there was the braid). It loked so good that I continued to knit and knit and knit. By last night the chart and second braid were complete and now my thoughts turn back to the Scarf....should they match?

What to do...what to do?

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